What to Expect When Upgrading to the New SonarQube Server 2025.1 LTA Release

This webinar will showcase how you can accelerate your developer workflow and elevate the quality and security of your code to new levels with the highlighted features of our latest LTA release.

Abstract / Description: Have you been waiting in anticipation for the new SonarQube Server LTA? We have a ton of exciting and transformative advancements to share with you to accelerate your developer workflow and elevate the quality and security of your code to new levels. In this webinar, we will walk through the key features of the new LTA which packages together everything in all the SonarQube Server releases from 10.0 to 10.8.

This release includes:

- Revolutionary AI capabilities

- Cutting edge security innovations

- Supercharging developer productivity

- Enterprise and operational excellence

- Extensive language support including new languages

Intended For: SonarQube Server Users and Instance Operators

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