SonarQube for IDE




Seamless IDE to CI integration

Connected mode joins SonarQube for IDE to SonarQube Cloud and SonarQube Server for additional value. Shared code quality expectations, deeper issue analysis, smart notifications, and more!

Explore the benefits of connected mode

  • Sharing of team decisions

  • Smart notifications

  • Integrated issue lifecycle management

  • Clean as You Code directly in the IDE

  • Tackle advanced issues in the IDE

  • Detect exposed secrets

Sharing of team decisions

In connected mode to SonarQube Cloud or SonarQube Server, the binding of your project enables the sharing of the quality profile, project settings, sync of rule description customizations, and issue status (Accept/False Positive) to the IDE.


SonarQube Server

Is your organization’s setup self-managed? If so, try Connected Mode with SonarQube Server to experience real-time issue detection and fixes inside your preferred IDE.

Explore SonarQube Server >


SonarQube Cloud

Is your team, code, and workflow fully cloud-based? If so, try Connected Mode with SonarQube Cloud to experience real-time issue detection and fixes inside your preferred IDE.

Explore SonarQube Cloud >

Unlock additional languages

SonarQube for IDE can analyze additional languages, beyond those supported in standalone mode. See the documentation for your specific IDE extension to discover which languages are supported out-of-the-box, and which require Connected Mode.

Watch how to set up connected mode for your preferred IDE

SonarQube for IDE: Visual Studio Code - how to install and set up connected mode

Access SonarQube for IDE: Visual Studio Code documentation -->

Frequently asked questions, answered.

SonarQube for IDE can connect to either SonarQube Server or SonarQube Cloud to enable communication of issue reporting and other team decisions between team members. This connection is known as connected mode, and it can be easily set up from within your preferred IDE.

While in connected mode, SonarQube for IDE receives notifications from SonarQube Server/SonarCloud about your Quality Gate changes and new issues. Smart notifications can be enabled and team decisions can be shared. It also helps developers ensure their new code is clean by offering the option to restrict the focus of detection to issues in New Code according to the definition configured in SonarQube Server/SonarCloud.

Connected mode also unlocks access to various coding languages (the list of languages varies by IDE).

In connected mode advanced issues detected in the branch analysis are reported in the IDE, such as taint vulnerabilities and data flow bugs.

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