Azure DevOps SonarQube Cloud Integration

achieve superior code quality in Azure DevOps

Enable your team to deliver the highest quality and security consistently and efficiently with static code analysis seamlessly integrated into Azure DevOps Services.

SonarQube Cloud features for Azure DevOps Services

extended Azure DevOps experience for advanced code quality

Enhance your Azure experience with SonarQube Cloud and ensure only clean code will be added to the code base. With just a few clicks, immerse yourself in a setup where code quality and static code analysis become a breeze.

pull request decoration

Get instant code feedback directly inside your Azure pull request and development branches, accelerating the code review process.

go/no-go Quality Gate

Fail your Azure pipelines when the quality of code doesn’t meet your defined requirements.

code review

Review and prioritize issue remediation during code reviews directly from Azure DevOps Services, making each code review a step towards higher code quality.

monorepo support

Configure multiple Quality Gates and receive project-labeled messages in your AZURE mono repository, maintaining code quality consistency across diverse projects.

1-click login with your Azure DevOps account

开始 14 天免费试用



30 亿

持续分析的 LoC





Easy onboarding, instant value

get your first code analysis results in minutes

1-click sign-up

A account is all you need. Simply log in and your SonarQube Cloud account is created, setting the stage for superior code quality.

fast project onboarding

Import your project in seconds and setup your CI/CD with SonarQube Cloud templates that we provide, allowing for continuous code quality checks.

super-fast code analysis

After minutes you have the first analysis results ready and you can start improving your code right away, making static code analysis a seamless part of your CI/CD pipeline.

supports dozens of popular languages, development frameworks and IaC platforms

  • Java
  • Typescript Logo
  • Javascript Logo
  • Terraform Logo
  • Cloudformation Logo
  • C Sharp Logo
  • VB Logo
  • PHP Logo
  • Python Logo
  • C Logo
  • C++ Logo
  • Ruby Logo
  • Swift Logo
  • HTML5 Logo
  • Go Logo
  • Scala Logo
  • Flex Logo
  • T-SQL Logo
  • XML Logo
  • PL/SQL Logo
  • ABAP Logo
  • Apex Logo
  • COBOL Logo
  • Docker

Deliver with confidence

an essential tool for every development team

See all SonarQube Cloud features

Instant pull request feedback

Accelerate your code reviews and systematically detect common issues, tricky bugs and security vulnerabilities. Fix coding flaws while code is fresh in mind and only merge code that's clean - every time.

code has no issues and is safe to deliver

Clear remediation guidance

SonarQube Cloud doesn't just find quality issues in your code, it also helps you quickly understand the problem along with contextual guidance on how to fix it. With SonarQube Cloud in your corner, you'll learn as you code and improve your developer skills with every pull request!

coding issues are resolved

Automated pipeline check

Check your code and catch problems before you merge a pull request. Optionally fail your pipeline in case of any problems so dirty code doesn't slip into production. Deliver with confidence knowing that the code delivered by the team is clean and consistent.

main branch of code is passed

try a better way for your team to code

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