A unique approach to Clean Code
With the Clean as You CodeTM methodology, your team remediates code flaws as part of the existing development workflow, without extra effort, by keeping the code you add or edit clean.
SonarQube Cloud Enterprise plan
Delivering enterprise features for mission-critical flexibility, scalability, and performance
Delivers increased security and a single source of truth for user authentication at the enterprise level
Delivers the ability to group organizations into an enterprise, independently from the DevOps platform(s)
Portfolios enables managers to group together projects into a portfolio and identify which needs focus and in what respect. Project and Security reports provide further detail and actionable insights
Delivers the ability to configure default settings that can be applied to all projects at onboarding
Have you been invited to try our new enterprise features? View our demo for a step-by-step guide on how to get started.
开发团队喜欢 SonarQube Cloud 是有原因的。它能在正确的环境下提供即时反馈,并尽量减少干扰,以便每天都能交付整洁代码。
开始 14 天免费试用保护您的软件资产 - 嵌入式、网络、移动应用程序、云原生应用程序...SonarCloud 涵盖了所有主要的编程语言。
通过自动代码检查扩展您的 DevOps 平台体验,只用几分钟即可导入项目。可与 GitHub、Bitbucket Cloud、Azure DevOps 和 GitLab 配合使用。
在正确的时间和地点收到清晰的报告。高度精确的 分析可帮助您专注于真正的问题,减少误报,从而最大限度地发挥您的影响力。
将 SonarQube for IDE 扩展添加到您最喜欢的 IDE 中,并即时查找代码问题。SonarQube Cloud 的规则和分析设置可同步到 SonarQube for IDE,从而使团队围绕整洁代码这一单一标准保持一致。
With the Clean as You CodeTM methodology, your team remediates code flaws as part of the existing development workflow, without extra effort, by keeping the code you add or edit clean.
"Developer satisfaction is part of what success looks like to us, and with SonarQube Cloud, our developers feel more confident in the changes they make to the codebase."
Michael Tweed, Principal Software Engineer @ Skyscanner
Accelerate your code reviews and systematically detect common issues, tricky bugs and security vulnerabilities. Fix coding flaws while code is fresh in mind and only merge code that's clean - every time.
SonarQube Cloud doesn't just find quality issues in your code, it also helps you quickly understand the problem along with contextual guidance on how to fix it. With SonarQube Cloud in your corner, you'll learn as you code and improve your developer skills with every pull request!
Check your code and catch problems before you merge a pull request. Optionally fail your pipeline in case of any problems so dirty code doesn't slip into production. Deliver with confidence knowing that the code delivered by the team is clean and consistent.
将整洁代码检查点添加到现有的 CI/CD 工作流程中,在合并之前立即获得代码质量问题的反馈。
查看所有 SonarQube Cloud 集成SonarCloud 与 4 个主要 DevOps 平台集成:GitHub、Bitbucket Cloud、GitLab 和 Azure DevOps。只需单击一下即可注册,开始清理您的代码。