SonarQube Server

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Application development

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Application development

SonarQube Server Developer Edition

Build and maintain high-quality applications with SonarQube Server's static analysis. 

Features include:

  • Branch analysis 
  • Pull request decoration
  • Taint analysis
  • 25+ languages, frameworks, and technologies
  • SonarQube for IDE integration

深受 700 万开发人员以及 40 万余家机构的信任与喜爱

  • IBM
  • NASA

work smarter, not harder

SonarQube Server features a powerful analysis engine to detect bugs, vulnerabilities and code smells. Clear remediation guidance helps you understand the issue and construct a fix.

own your code

Own the quality of your team's code. New or changed code doesn’t get merged unless it passes the Quality Gate.

grow as a developer

Receive clear remediation guidance to help you understand, learn, and construct a fix for any coding errors.

Clean as You Code

Prioritize and take responsibility for any new code you write while being automatically assigned to any issues for previously written code.


elevate your code and your team

Intelligently promote clean builds and commits that steadily improve your overall codebase over time, without disrupting the delivery of business features.

25+ languages, frameworks & IaC platforms

Analyze the code quality of all the languages in your projects. Patch bugs, close vulnerabilities and follow best practices with a single source of truth.

与热门 DevOps 平台集成

轻松载入项目。与 GitHub Actions、GitLab CI/CD、Azure Pipelines、Bitbucket Pipelines 和 Jenkins 集成,以便自动触发分析并显示所编写代码的健康状态。

清楚的通过/不通过 Sonar 质量门

当代码质量不符合您定义的标准时,构建管道就会失败。防止问题被合并或发布,从而降低风险并节省因在 SDLC 中延迟发现问题而产生的成本。


您可以使用 Docker 或 Kubernetes 在内部、云中或作为服务器部署。多线程、多计算引擎和特定语言加载可提供最佳的性能。


在几分钟内即可收到可执行的整洁代码指标,而不用等待数小时。Clean as You Code 会在您编写时检查较小的代码片段,为您提供有关新代码质量的准确反馈。


在正确的时间和正确的地点,无缝地在您的开发工作流程中发现编码问题。受益于 5,000 多条规则和业界领先的 Java、C#、PHP、Python 等污点分析。


制定具体的编码标准,让团队始终保持代码健康,实现代码质量目标。此外,Learn as You Code 还能将开发人员的技能提升到同样的高度。

SonarQube for IDE

添加 SonarQube for IDE 扩展并将其连接到 SonarQube 服务器,以便在编码时动态查找编码问题,并确保您的团队遵循单一受监管的编码标准。


"SonarQube Server has been used for static code analysis and has been built into Jenkins Pipeline, allowing us to identify a huge amount of vulnerabilities and helped us to improve our code quality. Highly informational dashboard and tools to filter a huge amount of repos."

Mohammed F., Security Engineer

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