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Version 10.6 | Released June 2024

Community Edition

Free and open source - loved by 400k companies.

All of the following features:
  • Static code analysis for 19 languages: Java, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, CloudFormation, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm Charts, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Scala, Flex, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, VB.NET and Azure Resource Manager
  • Detect Bugs & basic Vulnerabilities
  • Review Security Hotspots
  • Track Code Smells & fix your Technical Debt
  • Code Quality Metrics & History
  • CI/CD integration
  • Extensible, with 50+ community plugins

Developer Edition

Built for developers by developers

Community Edition plus:
  • Support for C, C++, Obj-C, Swift, ABAP, T-SQL and PL/SQL
  • Detection of advanced vulnerabilities including Injection Flaws in Java, C#, PHP, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Detection of advanced bugs causing runtime errors and crashes in Python & Java
  • Analysis of feature and maintenance branches
  • Pull request analysis and decoration in the following DevOps platforms: GitHub, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps and GitLab

Enterprise Edition

Designed to meet Enterprise requirements

Developer Edition plus:
  • Support for Apex, COBOL, PL/I, RPG and VB6
  • Portfolio Management & PDF Executive Reports
  • Project PDF reports
  • Security Reports
  • Regulatory Reports to record state & quality of release
  • Project Transfer
  • Parallel processing of analysis reports

Data Center Edition

For high availability, scalability, performance

Enterprise edition plus:
  • Component redundancy
  • Data resiliency
  • Horizontal scalability
  • High performance under extreme load
See FeaturesDocumentationGetting StartedRelease NotesUpgrade NotesAvailable from DockerHub

February 2023

SonarQube 9.9 LTA

Long Term Active version, offering something for everyone! Faster PR analysis, secure CloudNative development, enhanced enterprise capabilities & so. Much. More! SonarQube 9.9 LTA - better than ever!

Not sure whether you need the LTA or the latest version? See our decision guide.

SonarQube 9.9.6 LTA


Looking for older editions of SonarQube? Check out our historical downloads here.

start your free SonarQube trial now for 14 days!

Enterprise Edition Free Trial