SonarQube Server

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Static code analysis with SonarQube Server

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Static code analysis with SonarQube Server

The perfect static code analysis tool to find and squash code bugs

  • Find and fix bugs and security vulnerabilities in your code
  • Thousands of automated static code analysis rules
  • Analyze your project's branches and pull requests
  • Pull request decoration in your DevOps platform
  • Static code analyzer for 30+ programming languages and frameworks

Used and loved by 7 Million Developers & 400,000+ Organizations

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Static Code Analysis

Manage code quality, security, and maintainability at scale

Enhance Your Dev workflow with SonarQube Server

SonarQube project health screen

Scan and analyze your code

Enable your team to systematically deliver code that meets high-quality standards for every project at every step in the workflow.

guided developer experience

  • The SonarQube Server UI traces code issues from the source to the compromised location.

code analysis rules for most languages

  • Unlock precise feedback with 5,000+ clean code rules and taint analysis for popular languages like Java, C#, PHP, and Python.

merge only safe and high quality code

Enforce security standards in your Quality Gate to merge only safe code.

Shared, unified configurations

Set your specific coding standards to align your team on code health and achieve your code quality goals. Plus Learn as You Code elevates your developer's skills to the same high level.

End-to-end tool for static code analysis

SonarQube Server does the heavy lifting and analyzes and reviews your source code so you can focus on innovative work.

DevOps and CI/CD

Using code analysis in DevOps CI/CD pipelines improves code quality and security. SonarQube Server integrates with popular DevOps platforms, like:

  • GitHub
  • GitLab
  • Azure DevOps 
  • Bitbucket 

Sonar provides native support for popular SCMs like Git and Subversion and community support for other SCMs such as CVS, Jazz RTC, Mercurial, and TFVC.

SonarQube Quality Gate Passed

pull request decoration

Get instant code review directly inside your pull request and development branches. Fix issues before they become problems.

  • Use a Go/No Go quality gate to automatically fail CI/CD pipelines if code doesn't meet your standards, preventing problematic code from being merged or deployed.
  • Review and prioritize code fixes directly within the DevOps Platform interface, compatible with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps.
  • Set up multiple Quality Gates for your mono repository with different projects, and receive feedback messages specific to each project.

code review with issues such as bugs, vulnerabilities, security hotspots and code smells.

start analyzing your source code now!

Start Free Trial Now

security and code analysis

Detect a wide range of security issues, such as:

  • SQL injection vulnerabilities, 
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) code injection attacks, 
  • Buffer overflows, 
  • Authentication issues, 
  • Cloud secrets detection, and more. 

Our security rules are classified according to well-established security standards such as PCI DSS, CWE Top 25, and OWASP Top 10.

SonarQube identifies a security hotspot

detect a variety of issues

SonarQube Server Static Code Analysis helps you detect:

  • Null pointer dereferences
  • Buffer overflows
  • Code style violations
  • Code duplication
  • Security vulnerabilities (e.g., SQL injection, cross-site scripting)
The results of a pull request are shared

static code analysis for most languages

SonarQube Developer Edition helps you analyze your code - Java, C#, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, CloudFormation, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Kotlin, Ruby, Go, Scala, Flex, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, XML, VB.NET, C, Obj-C, Swift, ABAP, T-SQL, and PL/SQL are included.


There's no other tool in the market that is as reliable and trustworthy as SonarQube Server for Static Analysis. They are the industry standard for software quality analysis and should be part of any company that requires audits on software quality and vulnerability.

Daniel Anjos, TrustRadius Review

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start analyzing your source code now!