The latest news and updates from the SonarQube Server team
Discover the features in each SonarQube Server release
November 15, 2023
SonarQube Server 10.3: Secrets Detection, Clean Code, Stronger Security
- Secrets Detection at the Source
- Clean Code Taxonomy Updates
- Clean as You Code Improvements
- Automate Provisioning GitHub Projects and Teams
- New 2023 CWE Top 25 Report
- Stronger Security Capabilities
- The Blazor framework and Razor templates
- Languages: React, Jakarta and Spring Boot for Java, .NET 8, C#12, NumPy and Pandas for Python, and much more...
September 01, 2023
SonarQube Server 10.2: Support for MISRA C++ 2023 rules; Several security features; Simplified GitHub permissions sync; New Clean Code attributes, UI & UX improvements & more.
- New MISRA C++ 2023 rules help adhere to safety and security guidelines
- Improved secrets detection to include more than 60+ cloud app secrets/tokens
- Easy synchronization of GitHub project permissions
- New rules to detect security misconfigurations in Azure Resource Manager
- Security analysis results can now be seen in GitLab Dashboard
- Plenty of language updates
June 21, 2023
SonarQube Server 10.1 - Smoother centralized access management with GitHub; Multiple code variant analysis for C/C+; Big coverage boost in Java security
- Smoother centralized user and group management with GitHub
- Analysis of multiple C/C++ code variants
- Coverage boost in Java security engine
- Clean as You Code guidance checks
- Support for analyzing Kotlin multi-platform; new rules for Python, Java, JS, C#
April 03, 2023
SonarQube Server 10.0 - Faster analysis; Improved user management; New security report; Secure Dockerfiles
- Faster first analysis
- Improved access management: Azure AD/SCIM integration
- CWE Top 25 2022 security risk report
- Security for Dockerfiles
- Support for C++ compilers; best practice C#, VB.NET rules, new JS rules
February 07, 2023
SonarQube Server 9.9 - Scale, Security, Speed: Best LTS Ever
- Faster Pull Request Analysis - PR analysis gets a significant speed boost for all programming languages
- Secure CloudNative Applications - In-depth analysis to build and deploy secure CNApps with your preferred cloud provider and technology
- Enterprise-grade features for your scaling organization - Authentication, reporting, and operational improvements for secure and easy instance management
- Android taint analysis; better precision & accuracy - Lots of new rules including rules for Kotlin, Java to deliver safe, compliant Android apps. Plus improved precision, speed, and coverage of the taint analysis engine
- UX improvements in-app & IDE - Better issues clarity & focus; significant accessibility upgrades; real-time synch of Quality Profiles in the IDE & easier Connected Mode setup for a streamlined Clean Code delivery
December 19, 2022
SonarQube Server 9.8 - Fast Kotlin PRs; SARIF import; C++20 concepts; JS + AWS CDK; SCIM deprovisioning
- PRs more accurate & faster for Kotlin
- JavaScript rules to master security in the AWS CDK
- New rules help you master C++20 concepts
- SARIF report import
- Ops: Okta/SCIM integration & more
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