SonarQube for IDE



Visual Studio Linter

an advanced linter in your Visual Studio IDE

Automatically identify and fix quality and security issues as you code with enhanced linting capabilities right in your Visual Studio IDE. Improve your code as you code with support across several languages.

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Clean as you code

write clean code in Visual Studio. always.

Whether you are developing desktop applications with .NET or C++ or Web applications with JavaScript, SonarQube for IDE covers your programming language to help you catch complex code quality and security issues early.

Image shows overall health of a project with all areas having a passing score

accelerate your code delivery

Inclusion of SonarQube for IDE won’t slow down your delivery. Early discovery and remediation of issues result in efficient downstream workflows. And peer code reviews can be focused more around the business logic and less around the quality and security of code.

Image shows rule S4830

your programming language in Visual Studio.

Connected Mode

go further with Connected Mode

It's easy with SonarQube for IDE Connected Mode paired with SonarQube Cloud or SonarQube Server.

Discover Connected Mode
Unused paramters should be removed SonarLint in VS snip

so much more than a linter


low noise

Fast and high-precision lint analysis ensures lower noise and fewer false positives and false negatives so you can always deliver consistent, reliable results.

native IDE checks ++

The IDE is already your intelligent coding assistant. Go further with SonarQube for IDE static code analysis for fast, automated feedback on Bugs, Code Smells, and Security Vulnerabilities. Our powerful language-specific analyzers contain hundreds of rules, helping you find and fix issues quickly.

zero configuration required

Seamlessly integrates in your Visual Studio IDE with no complicated setup or configuration required. Install the plugin and continue to code while SonarQube for IDE assists you in the background.

ready to Clean your Code in Visual Studio?

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