SonarQube Cloud



CI/CD Integrations

clean code in your CI/CD workflow

Add clean code analysis to your CI/CD workflow in a few steps with a product that easily integrates into the cloud DevOps platforms and major cloud CI/CD tools.

extend your DevOps Platform experience

SonarQube Cloud integrates with the 4 major DevOps Platforms.

Azure Devops
Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps
SonarQube Cloud CI/CD features

static code analysis in your DevOps Platform

Enhance your CI/CD workflow with SonarQube Cloud and ensure only clean code will be added to the code base. With just a few clicks you're up and running right where your code lives.

Discover more SonarQube Cloud features

Pull request decoration

Get instant code feedback directly inside your pull request and development branches. Fix issues while the code is still fresh in mind.

Go/No-Go Quality Gate

Fail your CI/CD pipelines when the quality of code doesn’t meet your defined requirements. Prevent problems from being merged, or deployed.

Issue review and prioritization

Review and prioritize issue remediation directly from the DevOps Platform's interface. Works with GitHub, Bitbucket Cloud and Azure DevOps.

Monorepo support

Configure several Quality Gates and receive project-labeled messages in your mono repository containing multiple projects. Works for GitHub, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps Services.

Enhance your CI/CD workflow

Add SonarQube Cloud analysis to your existing cloud CI/CD workflow in a few minutes.

GitHub Actions
GitLab CI
BitBucket Pipelines
Azure Pipelines
Circle CI
Travis CI
SonarQube for IDE integration

Consistency across your entire workflow

SonarQube for IDE in the IDE helps you find & fix bugs and security issues from the moment you start writing code. The connection of SonarQube for IDE to SonarQube Cloud or SonarQube Server brings consistency and cohesive analysis at every step in your development workflow.

Discover SonarQube IDE connected mode
Sonarlint real time code feedback

Want to know more?

Refer to our documentation for any question you have Become a master at using SonarQube Cloud by digging deeper in its features and implementations.

Check our documentation >


Want to do more?

Integrate SonarQube Cloud with more tools in your ecosystem by using our free API and bring clean code information right where your need it.

Check our API >

SonarQube Cloud CI/CD Benefits

benefits of integrating SonarQube Cloud into your CI/CD pipeline and workflow

accelerate and improve developer productivity

unit tests

Automatically have SonarQube Cloud analyze code for unit tests as it is committed into the repository, reporting any defects or issues found in test code. This makes it easier to implement and fix issues before this code is deployed. 

quality gates

Integrate SonarQube Cloud into your CI/CD tools to track code coverage. Code that is well-tested is less likely to have issues. 

code quality

SonarQube Cloud can provide reporting on the quality of the projects which includes the number and type of issues discovered, coverage, code duplication, and more. This information assists developers and managers to monitor and improve the quality of code before deployment.  

pull request analysis

Analyze pull requests as needed before the code is merged into the main branch. Analyze and find issues to ensure the new code does not introduce any negative changes.

increased visibility

Integrating SonarQube Cloud into your CI/CD pipeline to clearly make informed decisions about your code and remediation prioritization. 


Comply with organization and industry standards and regulations by integrating SonarQube Cloud in your CI/CD workflow to proactively scan your code for compliance issues. 

improved developer productivity

Receive feedback directly in the CI/CD pipeline or IDE to help developers quickly identify and fix code issues, leading to improved developer productivity.

sign-up with only one click

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