
MISRA C++ 2023 with SonarQube Server

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MISRA C++ 2023 with SonarQube Server

Prepare your safety-critical software for MISRA C++ compliance

SonarQube Server static code analysis helps you build and maintain high-quality C++ code and best positions you for eventual certification to MISRA standards. Covering popular build systems, standards, and versions, SonarQube Server elevates your coding game while keeping security vulnerabilities at bay.

SonarQube Server Enterprise Edition features include:

  • MISRA 2023 C++ specific rules
  • C and C++ static analysis plus 28 other programming languages
  • Branch Analysis covers popular build systems, standards, and versions
  • Pull request decoration
  • Support of the latest language standards - C++ 98 to C++ 20, including dedicated rules
500+ dedicated rules

coding guidelines for all situations - including MISRA 2023


Dedicated MISRA C++2023 and MISRA C-2012 rules protect your safety-critical code.

Latest standards

Dedicated rules for code coverage on the latest language standards – C++98 to C++20.

Core guidelines

Tool-checkable rules extracted from expert guidance on how to write modern, robust code.


Rules to detect vulnerabilities stemming from known OWASP & CWE Top 25 guidelines.

SonarQube Server code analysis finds issues while you focus on the work

It all comes from a powerful static analysis engine that we constantly refine. SonarQube Server employs advanced rules along with smart, exclusive static code analysis techniques to find the trickiest, most elusive issues, code smells, and security vulnerabilities.

code review with issues such as bugs, vulnerabilities, security hotspots and code smells.

precise C++ static code analysis

Deep static analysis of your code through symbolic execution, path sensitive analysis & cross-function/cross file analysis.

Fast issue resolution

Issue contextualization with secondary locations highlighted and clear remediation guidance helps you understand and construct a fix.

Minimal distractions

Automatic pull request analysis with results decorated in your favorite DevOps platform so you stay in the zone.


SonarQube Server has brought code quality back to the forefront of developer thoughts and discussions rather than just completing tasks. This allows us to standardize the use of newer C++ features and periodically review our current coding standards as well as improvements that can be made against things like C++ Core Guidelines, MISRA C++ 2023 guidelines, etc.

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The Best Way to Code C++ Better

start with Clean Code. end with innovation.

SonarQube Server brings Clean Code to where your code lives. SonarQube Server is tightly integrated with your development workflow to feed you the right info at the right time and place.

For you

clean C++ code in your IDE

SonarQube for IDE in your IDE is your first line of defense for keeping the code you write today clean and safe. Issues are raised in-line with clear rule descriptions and guidance.

With SonarQube for IDE, the impact is immediate and no configuration is required. You learn from the real-time feedback provided and quickly resolve issue with contextual guidance and automatic Quick Fixes!

SonarQube for IDE is available from your IDE marketplace:

Visual Studio | VS Code | JetBrains | Eclipse

Sonar works in your Jetbrains, VS Code, Visual Studio and Eclipse IDE's
For your team

clean C++ code in your development workflow

Automatically analyze Pull Requests and feature branches with the results decorated in the DevOps platform of your choice.

Your team can share rule configurations and exclusions across projects and coalesce on a shared definition of excellence. The project Quality Gate is visible to everyone and the releasabity status is clear.

SonarQube Server tightly integrates with these popular platforms:
GitHub | Bitbucket | Azure DevOps | GitLab

refactoring bits of code and quality checks are shown as an abstract of a developers environment.
Increase the Value of Your Software

make each release better than the one before

SonarQube Server empowers developers to write Clean Code

As a developer, your priority is making sure the code you write today is clean and safe. The SonarQube Server project homepage highlights the health of your New Code (changed or added) so you’ll clearly know when your code is solid.

Quality Gates show your project Releasability status

Out of the box, the SonarQube Server Quality Gate clearly signals whether your commits are clean and your projects are releasable. A Quality Gate coalesces the team around a shared vision of code quality. Everyone knows the standard of excellence and whether it’s being met.

We support your C++ development workflow

prepare for your MISRA C++ compliance now!