SonarQube Server


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SonarQube Server Developer Edition

14-day free trial

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  • Developer Edition

SonarQube Server Developer Edition

Built for developers by developers

Start your free 14 day Developer Edition trial and get:

  • Branch Analysis
  • Pull Request decoration
  • Taint analysis
  • 25+ languages, frameworks, and technologies
  • SonarQube for IDE integration

Utilisé et apprécié par 7 millions de développeurs et plus de 400 000 organisations

SonarQube Server Developer Edition Features

the tooling you and your team need to systematically deliver code that meets the highest quality standard for every project at every step in the developer workflow

25+ languages covered

Analyze the quality of the code in your preferred language. Patch bugs, close vulnerabilities, and follow best practices with a single source of truth. 

Intégration dans les principales plateformes DevOps

Intégrer aisément des projets. Intégrez-vous à GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Azure Pipelines, Bitbucket Pipelines et Jenkins pour déclencher automatiquement l’analyse et afficher l’état de santé du code là où vous travaillez.

chase down the bad actors

Making sure user-provided data is sanitized before it hits critical systems (database, file system, OS, etc.) helps ensure the security of your code. Taint analysis tracks untrusted user input throughout the execution flow - across not just methods but also from file to file.

guided developer experience

The UI is crafted for clarity so developers easily understand the problem flow from the vulnerability source to the code location (‘sink’) where the compromise occurs

branch and pull request analysis

Super-fast analysis helps you quickly assess where the code stands in pull requests and branches so you can remediate issues while your code is still fresh in mind.

Règles de sécurité essentielles pour les langages clés

Les problèmes de codage sont détectés aux moments et aux endroits adéquats, en toute transparence dans votre flux de travail de dev. Bénéficiez de plus de 6 000 règles et d’une analyse des contaminations de pointe sur Java, C#, PHP, Python et plus encore.

Configurations partagées et unifiées

Définissez vos propres normes de codage afin que votre équipe soit en phase avec l’état du code et les objectifs en termes de qualité du code. De plus, Learn as You Code continue d’élever les compétences de vos développeurs.

SonarQube for IDE

Ajoutez l'extension SonarQube pour IDE et connectez-la au serveur SonarQube pour détecter les problèmes de codage à la volée pendant que vous codez et assurez-vous que votre équipe suit une norme de codage régie unique.

Explorer le mode connecté

Enhance your Workflow with Developer Edition

Automatically analyze branches and decorate pull requests


SonarQube Server for Bitbucket

Whether you're self-hosted or SaaS, on-prem or in-cloud, we have you covered. Import repositories and provision projects from Bitbucket, and easily navigate your environment’s analysis configuration with built-in wizards. Automatically differentiate between main branch and PR - no extra config required.


SonarQube Server for Github

Whether you're self-hosted or SaaS, on-prem or in-cloud, we have you covered. Import repositories and provision projects from Github, and easily navigate your environment’s analysis configuration with built-in wizards. Automatically differentiate between main branch and PR - no extra config required.

Azure DevOps

SonarQube Server for Azure DevOps

Whether you're self-hosted or SaaS, on-prem or in-cloud, we have you covered. Import repositories and provision projects from Azure DevOps, and easily navigate your environment’s analysis configuration with built-in wizards. Automatically differentiate between main branch and PR - no extra config required.


SonarQube Server for Gitlab

Whether you're self-hosted or SaaS, on-prem or in-cloud, we have you covered. Import repositories and provision projects from Gitlab, and easily navigate your environment’s analysis configuration with built-in wizards. Automatically differentiate between main branch and PR - no extra config required.

Application Management

Manage your team's success: Release quality code across projects every time

An Application is a synthetic project composed of projects that ship together; if one isn't ready to ship, none of them are. SonarQube Server Developer Edition provides you with:

- Aggregate quality gate

- One place to know if your project set is shippable

- Easily visualize the pieces of the projects that work together

Image shows overall health of a project with all areas having a passing score

need to ensure Clean Code across your entire application portfolio?

Try SonarQube Server Enterprise Edition

27 languages, frameworks, and IaC

  • Java
  • C Sharp Logo
  • C Logo
  • C++ Logo
  • Javascript Logo
  • Typescript Logo
  • Python Logo
  • PHP Logo
  • Terraform Logo
  • Cloudformation Logo
  • Azure Resource Manager icon
  • VB Logo
  • HTML5 Logo
  • Flex Logo
  • Go Logo
  • Ruby Logo
  • Scala Logo
  • Swift Logo
  • Docker
  • XML Logo
  • ABAP Logo
  • PL/SQL Logo
  • T-SQL Logo

frequently asked questions

Les éditions Developer, Enterprise et Data Center sont facturées par instance et par an et reposent sur les lignes de code (LOC). Une instance est une installation de SonarQube. Vous payez chaque instance pour un nombre maximum de LOC à analyser.

Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs adaptés à vos besoins.

experience a better way to code!

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