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Discover the latest features released in SonarQube Cloud
October 10, 2023
12 new rules for intentional and consistent Dockerfiles
SonarQube Cloud now benefits from new rules to help you write more intentional and consistent Dockerfiles, covering Reliability and Maintainability.
For further information and a full list of rules, please refer to this Community announcement.
October 05, 2023
Enhancements to secret pattern detection across multiple cloud providers
SonarQube Cloud can now detect 110 secret patterns across 60 cloud providers.
Leveraging 60 rules, together with SonarQube for IDE in the IDE, this represents a powerful combination for detecting and fixing issues.
For further information and a list of rules, please refer to this Community announcement.
September 20, 2023
C# analysis now finds issues in .razor and .cshtml files
To help keep your ASP.NET Core MVC, Razor, and Blazor applications clean, SonarQube Cloud has introduced support for analysis of .cshtml and .razor files in .NET projects.
For further information and a list of rules, please refer to this Community announcement.
August 31, 2023
Enhanced secret pattern detection across multiple cloud providers
SonarQube Cloud can now detect 67 secret patterns across 29 cloud providers.
Leveraging a new Sonar open-source secret detection engine, SonarQube Cloud delivers a powerful approach to identify potential security vulnerabilities related to secrets and sensitive information.
For further information, and a list of rules, please refer to this Community announcement.
August 17, 2023
AzureResourceManager templates analysis is now available
SonarQube Cloud now supports the scanning of AzureResourceManager templates and Bicep files with the introduction of 12 dedicated rules specifically designed to avoid security misconfiguration.
For further information, and a list of rules, please refer to this Community announcement.
August 09, 2023
Automatic analysis is now available for C and C++ projects
We are pleased to announce the release of Automatic Analysis for C and C++ projects!
Available for all GitHub users, a one-click analysis is possible, removing the need to configure a CI-based analysis. Saving considerable time and effort, Automatic Analysis is free for public projects.
SonarQube Cloud now supports Automatic Analysis for 21 languages, including (C, C++, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and C#).
For further information, please refer to the SonarQube Cloud documentation and this Community announcement.
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