

Sonar fixing and showing suggestions for code that is vulnerable

Definition and Guide

CI/CD developer's guide

CI/CD is a set of practices that automate the process of building, testing, and deploying software. It helps to improve the quality and speed of software delivery.

Table of Contents

What is CI/CD? 

CI/CD stands for continuous integration and continuous delivery (or deployment) and are essential components of modern application development, particularly in the contexts of DevOps and Agile methodologies. 

CI/CD is a set of procedures for automating and streamlining the building, testing, and deployment of software applications. 

CI/CD ensures that code is always in a releasable state and that new features and bug fixes can be promptly and reliably delivered to production.

What is Continuous Integration (CI)?

Continuous Integration (CI) is a critical component of the CI/CD pipeline and is a development practice that enables multiple developers to integrate code into a shared repository as frequently as needed. 

Code is committed to a version control system such as git in a branch. 

This guarantees that all developers are collaborating on the same codebase and that any disputes are identified and handled as soon as possible. 

CI also automates the build and test processes, giving developers confidence that their code will work before merging it into the shared repository.

What is Continuous Improvement (CI)?

Continuous Improvement (CI) is a broader business concept that drives companies to always seek ways to improve their operations and products. 

This approach is especially relevant in continuous integration and continuous delivery, where the goal is to improve software more quickly and reliably. 

However, this philosophy is not limited to the CI/CD pipeline. 

What’s the difference between Continuous Integration and Continuous Improvement? 

The primary distinction between continuous integration and continuous improvement is that continuous integration is a practice, whereas continuous improvement is a philosophy. 

Continuous improvement is focused on making the entire CI/CD pipeline better, whereas continuous integration is focused on automating the build, test, and deployment process.

What is Continuous Delivery (CD)?

Continuous delivery (CD) is a software engineering process that automates the deployment of application into different environments such as a production environment. 

Continuous Delivery ensures that the code can be deployed at any time by delivering each modification to a production-like environment and making sure business applications and services work as expected through rigorous automated testing. 

The last step before deploying to production needs manual approval.

What is a CI/CD Pipeline?  

A CI/CD pipeline is a set of automated actions and practices that manage how code changes are integrated, tested, delivered, and potentially deployed during the software development process. 

The CI/CD pipeline is a complex process that may be extremely helpful for organizations that want to release new features on a regular basis while simultaneously decreasing the chance of deployment failures. 

The CI/CD pipeline can be broken down in this way:

Continuous Integration (CI)

The initial stage of the pipeline entails integrating code updates from several developers into a shared repository on a regular basis. 

Source control

Version control systems are used by developers to manage changes and ensure that the entire team may work concurrently without issues. 

Developers regularly use feature branches, which are a copy of the main codebase, for new enhancements and merge them into the main branch after sufficient testing. 

Automated builds

When code is committed, it initiates an automatic build process that compiles the code into executable form. 

By compiling the code continually, problems are identified early and the code remains consistent. 

Automated testing

Automated testing is used to ensure that new modifications do not introduce defects or break current functionality. 

Testing individual code components for functionality, verifying the interaction of various system components, and ensuring new modifications do not disrupt existing functionality.

Immediate feedback

Any issues are promptly reported to developers, allowing for speedy resolution. 

Developers are adequately informed of issues through emails, dashboards, or other notification mechanisms allowing for immediate feedback. 


Code is routinely merged into the main branch to prevent "integration hell" of attempting to combine multiple disparate branches at once. 

Continuous code merging helps to avoid large-scale integration concerns later on. 

Automated tools can ensure that newly integrated code adheres to standards and does not interfere with current functionality.

Continuous Delivery (CD)

Continuous Delivery extends the CI process, making sure that the code is always in a deployable state.

Automated Staging Deployment

Code is automatically delivered to a staging or equivalent environment that is the same as production. 

Further testing

This environment does more extensive testing, such as user acceptance and performance testing, assuring that the program satisfies the expectations and requirements of the users.

Manual approval

Deployment to production is frequently gated by a manual approval process, which allows for a manual review of what is released to ensure quality assurance. 

Ready for Release

The code is maintained in a state that allows it to be released to production at any time. 

This may entail planning and scheduling when and hot to release changes to users. 

Continuous Deployment (CD)

In certain instances, Continuous Deployment is used instead of or in addition to Continuous Delivery, and it goes even further. 

Automated Production Deployment

Changes are automatically deployed to production by tools without the need for manual involvement if all tests pass. 

Continuous monitoring

Continuous real-time system monitoring guarantees that any issues with deployment are discovered and resolved as soon as possible. 

Automatic rollbacks

Systems can be implemented automatically to rollback changes in production if issues are detected. 

Version control can keep track of deployed versions that allow for immediate rollback if problems arise. 

Automated recovery procedures are put in place to revert back to a stable version. 

What are the benefits of CI/CD? 

CI/CD has become the best practice in modern software development and is frequently used due to the number of advantages provided. 

These benefits may be didvided into: 

Speed and agility

Businesses can respond to market changes or consumer needs more qucikly by automating the build, test and deployment process. 

This promotes iterative development which allows for continuous develipment and adaptation by encouraging smaller, more regulaer improvements. 

The time to market with new features and problem fixes are able to reach users faster offering businesses a competitive advantage over competitors. 

Code quality and reliability 

Issues or errors are spotted sooner in the development process because of continuous integration and automated testing, resulting in improved code quality. 

Developers are able to get real-time feedback to speed up problem-solving and develop a sense of responsibility and accountability. 

This guarantees each part of the development and deployment process is carried out reliably, thus reducing the opportunities that can lead to errors in the system. 

Efficiency and productivity 

The CI/CD process allows automation to relieve developers of mundane manual activities and lets them focus on delivering value. 

CI/CD allows for concurrent work on various features or bug fixes, allowing the best use of development resources. 

This encourages collaboration among teams resulting in a more integrated and effective working environment. 

Cost effective 

Automation and effective workflows eliminate the demand for manual labor and its associated expenses, providing early error detection and correcting flaws earlier in the development cycle equalling less expensive repair problems later, such as after the software is live in production. 

This enables reduced downtime with automated steps and rollbacks which can result in significant savings cost. 

Scalability and flexibility

Can be easily scaled to meet rising demands on development teams and increased codebase complexity and allows for the distribution of updates at the best time for the business. 

This can be immediate or completed later at a more opportune time. 

Agile approaches allow for rapid adaption to changing markets, emerging technology and user feedback. 

Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is improved by continuous feedback loops that permit quick reactions to consumer requirements and concerns. 

They benefit from periodic updates that range from new features, performance improvements and issue fixes. 

Compliance and security

Automate compliance checking that involves regulatory compliance, assisting to ensure legal and industry standards are met. 

Continuous monitoring and testing can incorporate security factors, facilitating the early detection and mitigation of issues such as security vulnerabilities.  

Integrate Sonar into you CI/CD Tools to develop secure highly-quality code.
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Sonar has helped us keep our code clean and create higher quality core applications for the business. It helps us in the CI/CD of the different branches and projects.

Adrian Toledo, Software Engineer

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