SonarQube Server Developer Edition

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Get started with SonarQube Server

Follow the steps below to get the most out of your experience:

Request an evaluation key

If you are using SonarQube Server's Developer Edition for the first time, you can request an evaluation license by simply clicking on the 'Start Free Trial' button here or in the product.

Start your free trial

Activate your SonarQube Server license key

A member of the sales team will contact you to activate your license after you have made your request. Your trial key will last for 14 days and is completely free.

Instalar SonarQube Server y comenzar a escanear

Utilice esta guía para instalar una instancia local de SonarQube Server y analizar un proyecto. Mediante la instalación de una instancia local podrá ponerse en funcionamiento rápidamente, para que pueda experimentar SonarQube Server en directo.

Instalación de SonarQube Server

Continuar utilizando SonarQube Server

Una vez que finalice su prueba, colabore con nuestro equipo para adquirir una licencia anual de SonarQube Server que se adapte a sus necesidades de uso en función de las líneas de código.


Getting started guide

SonarQube Server is just two minutes away! Follow the guide to learn more.

Learn more >


Upgrading to the latest release

To upgrade, read the guide and the relevant notes for your specific version.

Check out our upgrade notes >

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