SonarQube 9.9 LTA
Take a look at our recent webinar to see the advanced features available to you and your teams in the SonarQube 9.9 LTA release
SonarQube 9.9 LTA: Better than ever
There’s something for everyone in this latest LTA release: faster PR analysis, secure CloudNative development, enhanced enterprise capabilities for your scaling organization, new rules, integrations, and much more.
Take a look at our recent webinar to see the advanced features available to you and your teams in the SonarQube 9.9 LTA release
Pull Request (PR) analysis gets a significant speed boost. With the implementation of incremental analysis and server-side caching, only the changed files are analyzed.
No matter the programming language, your PR analysis will be considerably faster – the same high-precision results; just delivered faster. For example, a mid-size project with approx 300,000 Lines of Code is now analyzed more than twice as fast as before. This means that a PR that would have taken 5 minutes to be analyzed on SQ 8.x, now takes under 2 minutes.
And, for Git-based projects, we've also sped up your first full project analysis. Anyone using Git SCM will find that their first analysis is on average 60% faster and up to 90% faster with the improved retrieval of initial blame data. As an example, the first analysis of the main branch for a project with 300K Lines of Code is now completed in less than 10 minutes, an 80% speedup when compared to previous versions.
As your applications move to the cloud, you have to secure not only your source code but also all associated configurations and deployment. We've added support for the three popular cloud providers – AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure – and their underlying technologies: serverless and SAM frameworks, AWS CDK, IaC with Terraform and CloudFormation, as well as containerized deployments with Kubernetes and Docker.
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) with TerraForm and Cloudformation
Provisioning your cloud resources with IaC? We’ve added lots of new rules that detect insecure deployment configurations.
Amazon Serverless/SAM Frameworks (Lambdas) & CDK
AWS Lambdas hold more and more of the critical core business logic and can be entry points for many injection attacks. SonarQube provides new rules for AWS Lambdas and the AWS CDK that help you write and deploy safer Cloud Native applications.
AWS Lambdas:
SonarQube analyzes JavaScript lambdas defined inline in YAML files to find security hotspots. And in commercial versions, SonarQube secures your lambdas by detecting the full suite of injection vulnerabilities so your cloud applications are protected from malicious user data. For AWS Lambdas configured using AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)/CloudFormation or Serverless, SonarQube is able to apply a full range of taint analysis rules to the AWS lambda logic written in Python, JavaScript/TypeScript and declared in the CF, .yml, or serverless files.
For those describing their AWS infrastructure with AWS CDK using JavaScript/TypeScript or Python, SonarQube now offers new rules covering permissions and access control, traceability, encryption, public access, etc. that allow you to use AWS CDK securely.
We’ve added many features in this LTA related to access management, administration, governance, and reporting to help you manage the security and administration of both your SonarQube instance and your portfolio of source code assets.
Reports, reports and more reports!
New and improved security & compliance reporting, project & portfolio reports, and PDF reports for internal and external compliance.
Operating and managing SonarQube is easier
Audit-logging, secure token handling, improved user management, and user communication make the administration of the SonarQube instance so much easier.
Knowing there are issues in your code isn't enough if you don't know how to fix them. We added rich educational content to make most taint analysis rules easy to understand and contextual to your specific code and framework (Available in Developer Edition and above).
We also added clarity and focus in the UI to improve the overall accessibility with the goal to get closer to WCAG compliance.
In the Community Edition, we added the ability for Bitbucket pipes and GitHub actions to trigger the analysis and Quality Gate status. Plus full integration support for Bitbucket Cloud that now includes project onboarding.
Using CodeMagic CI/CD? We now support the detection of branches and PRs so developers can get the benefits of SonarQube in their DevOps platform of choice.
Writing Android applications? SonarQube 9.9 LTA brings new Kotlin rules for detecting unsecured network communications, problematic cryptography, and data security. Commercial editions include a variety of Android taint analysis rules for Java to ensure compliance with Mobile AppSec Verification Standard (MASVS) Data Storage and Privacy requirement. Now your applications are secure from development – before they are submitted to the Google Play Store.
You can also benefit from several new rules for the languages you program in. If you are programming in JavaScript, we've added new React rules to find infinite loops, dead code, and rules to write better Mocha and Chai tests. For those programming in C++, we’ve added new rules that support C++ 20 coroutines as well as improved the precision and analysis configurations across popular compilers. Writing regular expressions in Python, Java, JS/TS or PHP? Our robust rules help you write efficient, error-free regular expressions. And for Java, we’ve added new rules to prevent runtime errors and clashes and now support Java 19 parsing. Java users can see a considerable boost – an average of 30% and up to 60% – for their first project analysis. That’s just a glimpse! Visit our rules repository to see the comprehensive coverage for each language.
Our mission is deeply rooted in the fact that the Clean as You Code approach is the most sustainable way organizations can reach a Clean Code state. And we want every organization to achieve this. This is why we fine-tuned the Quality Gate (QG) workflow to help you practice Clean as You Code. Quality Gates that are not compliant with Clean as You Code can now be easily identified and fixed.
Starting from your favorite IDE with SonarLint through every stage of the development workflow, we’ve added many enhancements for a streamlined Clean Code delivery.
Particularly, we made improvements for an easy Connected Mode setup in SonarLint, added updates to provide real-time synchronization of Quality Profiles from SonarQube into your connected IDE, and added branch awareness for projects. We've also added new rules to detect Cloud Secrets and Quick Fixes to automatically fix certain issues on-the-fly as you code in your IDE with SonarLint.
Last but not least, this is the new Long-Term Active version! That means support and patches for blocker bugs and vulnerabilities for at least the next 12 months - until the next LTA is released. If you're looking for the stability of a hardened, fully supported version, the LTA is what you're after.
So what are you waiting for?