SonarQube Cloud



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September 09, 2022

Enhanced taint vulnerability dataflows

Quickly understand how a taint vulnerability is built in your code and make a faster decision on how to fix it with our enhanced dataflows providing more contextual information. Learn more


September 06, 2022

Clean Python unit tests

Clean Python code also involves proper unit tests. Check the quality of your Python tests written with unittest or pytest frameworks now with this latest Python analysis update. Learn more


July 29, 2022

First set of rules for Kubernetes

Write more secure containerized applications with the first set of Kubernetes rules. Simply scan your repository containing K8S files and see the results in the Security Hotspots space. Learn more

React JS Logo

July 29, 2022

React with JSX/TSX

Catch small mistakes in your code that have big impacts on your applications when using React with JSX/TSX or implementing React Hooks incorrectly. More React rules to come in the following months! Learn more

Azure Functions

July 11, 2022

Applying Microsoft Guidelines to Azure Functions

Build scalable cloud applications with clean Azure functions thanks to this set of new rules based on the Microsoft guidelines. Learn more

Language Icon

June 29, 2022

Languages version update

Go 1.18, Ruby 3.1, Scala 2.13.8 and 3.1.2, and Apex 54.12.0 can now be scanned with this latest update. Learn more

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