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Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code
To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

Bugs and Vulnerabilities are 1st Class Citizens in SonarQube Server Quality Model along with Code Smells
In SonarQube Server 5.5 we adopted an evolved quality model, the SonarQube Server Quality Model, that takes the best from SQALE and adds what was missing. In doing so, we've highlighted project risks while retaining technical debt.
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Why You Shouldn't Use Build Breaker
There have been some heated discussions recently about the Build Breaker plugin... SonarSource doesn't want to continue the feature. The community has come to see it as a must have... So I'd like to explain why at SonarSource we no longer think it should be used.
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Analysis of Visual Studio Solutions with the SonarQube Server Scanner for MSBuild
At the end of April 2015 during the Build Conference, Microsoft and SonarSource Announced SonarQube Server integration with MSBuild and Team Build. Today, half a year later, we’re releasing the SonarQube Server Scanner for MSBuild 1.0.2. But what exactly is the SonarQube Server Scanner for MSBuild? Let’s find out!
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Water Leak Changes the Game for Technical Debt Management
A few months ago, at the end of a customer presentation about “The Code Quality Paradigm Change”, I was approached by an attendee who said, “I have been following SonarQube Server & SonarSource for the last 4-5 years and I am wondering how I could have missed the stuff you just presented. Where do you publish this kind of information?”. I told him that it was all on our blog and wiki and that I would send him the links. Well...
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Unit Test Execution in SonarQube Server
Starting with Java Ecosystem version 2.2 (compatible with SonarQube Server version 4.2+), we no longer drive the execution of unit tests during Maven analysis. Dropping this feature seemed like such a natural step to us that we were a little surprised when people asked us why we'd taken it.
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Three options for pre-commit analysis
As a quality-first focus becomes increasingly important in modern software development, more and more developers are asking how to find new issues before they check their code in. For some of you, it's a point of pride. For others, it's a question of keeping management off your back, and for still others it's simply a matter of not embarrassing yourself publicly. Fortunately, the SonarQube Server developers (being developers themselves) understand the problem and have come up with three different ways of dealing with it: the Eclipse plugin, the IntelliJ plugin, and the Issues Report plugin.
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Already 158 Checkstyle and PMD rules deprecated by SonarQube Server Java rules
Already 158 Checkstyle and PMD rules deprecated by SonarQube Server Java rules
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Everything's a component
Something occurred to me recently that I wanted to share. Sometimes I'm late to the party, so this may have been obvious to you all along, but it didn't jump out at me at first, so I thought it might be worth talking about. It's the fact that the Views plugin turns a project into just another component.
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Differentials: Four ways to see what's changed
After a Sonar analysis, it's easy to see your project's current state - just browse to the project dashboard and it's laid out for you. Want details? Just start clicking. But it's not always enough to know where you are. Sometimes, you need to know where you are in comparison to where you've been.
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Customizing Sonar to Fit Your Needs
Sonar is a super-radiator for code quality and as such, you can expect it brings value to all stakeholders in a development group. To achieve this, Sonar must be able to show only relevant information in a certain context and shut off the noise to facilitate investigation and decision making. In this post, I will show how to customize Sonar to fit your needs by:
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Manage Duplicated Code with Sonar
If you use Sonar already, I am sure that you know already the worse of all 7 developer's deadly sins: And if you don't, I would assume you know about duplicated / cloned / similar code when you talk about quality of code and that you have heard of tools such PMD CPD or Simian. But why does copy paste matters from a code quality point of view? How can you benefit from Sonar to improve this? Let’s try to figure this out.
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