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Building Confidence and Trust in AI-Generated Code

To tackle the accountability and ownership challenge accompanying AI-generated code, we are introducing Sonar AI Code Assurance

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Joomla! is one of the most popular content management systems. We detected a previously unknown LDAP injection vulnerability in the login controller that could allow remote attackers to l...
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Joomla! 3.7.5 - Takeover in 20 Seconds with LDAP Injection

Joomla! is one of the most popular content management systems. We detected a previously unknown LDAP injection vulnerability in the login controller that could allow remote attackers to leak the super user password and to fully take over any Joomla! installation.

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SugarCRM's Security Diet - Multiple Vulnerabilities

SugarCRM is one of the most popular customer relationship management solutions. We uncovered critical security issues that could allow attackers to steal customer data or sensitive files from the server.

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How security flaws in PHP's core can affect your application

Learn how memory corruption bugs in the PHP core itself can affect your PHP application.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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SonarCFamily Now Supports ARM Compilers

For those not familiar with ARM (Advanced RISC Machine), let's start by sharing some numbers: in 2011, the 32-bit ARM architecture was the most widely used architecture in mobile devices and the most popular 32-bit one in embedded systems (see). Moreover in 2013, 10 billion were produced (see) and "ARM-based chips are found in nearly 60 percent of the world’s mobile devices" (see).

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Recently, many critical security vulnerabilities were fixed in popular PHP applications such as Roundcube, Wikimedia and Zend Framework that based on insecure usage of the PHP mail() func...
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Why mail() is dangerous in PHP

Recently, many critical security vulnerabilities were fixed in popular PHP applications such as Roundcube, Wikimedia and Zend Framework that based on insecure usage of the PHP mail() function. In this post, we have a look at the common ground of these vulnerabilities and how to use mail() securely.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
Blog post

Breaking the SonarQube Server Analysis with Jenkins Pipelines

One of the most requested feature regarding SonarQube Server Scanners is the ability to fail the build when quality level is not at the expected level. We have this built-in concept of quality gate in SonarQube Server, and we used to have a BuildBreaker plugin for this exact use case. But starting from version 5.2, aggregation of metrics is done asynchronously on SonarQube Server side. It means build/scanner process would finish successfully just after publishing raw data to the SonarQube Server, without waiting for the aggregation to complete.

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In this blog post, we present a beautiful chain of vulnerabilities which, in the end, allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary PHP code in the open source marketplace software osC...
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osClass 3.6.1: Remote Code Execution via Image File

In this blog post, we present a beautiful chain of vulnerabilities which, in the end, allows an attacker to remotely execute arbitrary PHP code in the open source marketplace software osClass 3.6.1 used for creating classifieds sites.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
Blog post

Cognitive Complexity, Because Testability != Understandability

Cyclomatic Complexity works very well for measuring testability, but not for maintainability. That's why we're introducing Cognitive Complexity, which you'll begin seeing in upcoming versions of our language analyzers.

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In this post, we show how a malicious user can remotely execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system, simply by writing an email in Roundcube 1.2.2 (>= 1.0). This vulnera...
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Roundcube 1.2.2: Command Execution via Email

In this post, we show how a malicious user can remotely execute arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system, simply by writing an email in Roundcube 1.2.2 (>= 1.0). This vulnerability is highly critical because all default installations are affected.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
Blog post

We Are Adjusting Rules Severities

With the release of SonarQube Server 5.6, we introduced the SonarQube Server Quality Model, which pulls Bugs and Vulnerabilities out into separate categories to give them the prominence they deserve. Now we're tackling the other half of the job: "sane-itizing" rule severities, because not every bug is Critical.

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Image shows various elements of code security, languages and bugs
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SonarAnalyzer for C#: The Rule Engine You Want to Use

If you’ve been following the releases of the Scanner for MsBuild and the C# plugin over the last two years, you must have noticed that we significantly improved our integration with the build tool and at the same time added a lot of new rules. Also, we introduced SonarQube for IDE: Visual Studio, a new tool to analyze code inside the IDE. With these steps completed we are deprecating the SonarQube Server ReSharper plugin to be able to provide a consistent, high-level experience among our tools.

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