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What Code Issues Caused the CrowdStrike Outage?

This blog post takes a look at the potential code issues behind the recent global CrowdStrike outage.

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Patches, Collisions, and Root Shells: A Pwn2Own Adventure
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Patches, Collisions, and Root Shells: A Pwn2Own Adventure

We dive into the technical details of the vulnerabilities we identified as part of last year's Pwn2Own competition.

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No, C++ static analysis does not have to be painful

No C and C++ static analysis does not need to mean difficult configuration and pain. We explain how Sonar has made the impossible possible with one-click analysis for projects hosted in GitHub. A free automatic analysis of C and C++ projects.

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WeAreDevelopers 2023 - what did you miss?

The Sonar team of developers are just returning from their trip to Berlin where they attended WeAreDevelopers 2023. If you were not able to make it, here is what you missed.

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Working with Multiple Code Variants in C++

Multiple variants of C++ code-bases at build time are a necessary evil on most projects - even if that's just debug and release. This has always made analysis more complex. But now, with first class support in SonarQube, multiple code variants are easier to analyze and understand.

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Image for the blog A Twist in the Code: OpenMeetings Vulnerabilities through Unexpected Application State
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A Twist in the Code: OpenMeetings Vulnerabilities through Unexpected Application State

Unexpected application states are often overlooked and can introduce severe security vulnerabilities. Read more about this real-world example.

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Cover image of research document
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New Research from Sonar on Cost of Technical Debt

New original research from Sonar puts a spotlight on the millions of dollars that businesses lose when they fail to implement an optimal approach for software development.

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Phil Nash and Ben Dechrai being interviewed about how they started their careers as developers blog image.
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How I started my career as a developer

Interviews with Sonar’s Developer Advocates on their careers and what Clean Code means to them.

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Why SonarQube 9.9 LTS is a must-have for PHP Developers

PHP analysis gets faster and better with new rules, fixed false-positives, and much more in SonarQube 9.9 LTS.

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TROOPERS 2023 Conference Takeaways

Read about our key takeaways from the TROOPERS 2023 including our favorite talks and overall experience during the two days conference.

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TyphoonCon 2023 Wrap Up

Last week, our Vulnerability Researchers traveled to TyphoonCon 2023 in Seoul to present their talk "Patches, collisions and root shells: a Pwn2Own Adventure".

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Why ORMs and Prepared Statements Can't (Always) Win

We always assume prepared statements and ORMs are enough to protect us from SQL injection, but be careful not to misuse their APIs! Let's look into a real-world case and see what we can learn from it.

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